Saturday 20 November 2010

Royal wedding and the economy

So there is a Royal Wedding that will take place after God knows how many years! There have been much noise within the electronic and print media, chit chatting inside and outside office blocks (specially whilst smoking!), on train journeys and a number of such places.

Prince William has proposed Kate Middleton and the couple have now decided to get married. Betting firms have become active and punters are deciding on odds in terms of location and I am sure this will go a step further with bets being placed on month, date, dress color, first child, sex of the baby etc etc.

The big question is does anyone really care? Except of course their immediate family and friends. Every household I have known in Britain have their own issues. Some have financial issues, others may have relationship issues and some might have problems concerning health. As a financial analyst if I look at the royal wedding myself my immediate concern is its impact on economy. If there is a favourable impact then we shouldn't have any issues. Infact we should go an extra mile to fully support the royal wedding. There was news the other day that sales of wedding souvenirs would increase and distribution of a number of other such products will increase.

It will be interesting to see how and what amount of costs are met by the tax payers. We would be talking of big numbers here as it involves inviting state guests from all over the world, wedding functions, food and accommodation for all, dresses and not to mention the highest level of security that will be required. During these times of recession where a common man is finding it difficult to make ends meet, it will be interesting to see how the Royal family reacts to all this and how simple the wedding is kept.

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