Saturday 27 November 2010

Cargo plane crashes in Karachi

The latest news is that there was a cargo plane crash in Karachi near Dalmiah which is also quite near to the Naval area. It crashed on an under construction building.

There were 8 people on board and it was bound for Sudan. Apparently cause of the crash not known as yet. The plane was also carrying oil which is why the fire can be seen as big balls of fire as the oil burns.

All hospitals have been put on emergency. News channels are reporting that because of huge public presence around the area, rescue services are being hampered. People are busy taking photographs on their mobile phones and there is a big rush. Very unfortunate that the people are not understanding and are flooding the area.

More updates to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Updates:

    11 people feared dead and there could be more. Very sad to know this. Cause of the crash is still unknown but some reports suggest it was an engine failure. Investigations in Pakistan normally don't come to a close!
