Sunday 30 January 2011


I have been out for a while. Have been holidaying during the New Year period and tied up a bit with work as usual. During these last two weeks came across a very interesting website developed by someone with an entrepreneurial mind. Exchanged a few emails with him, sounded like a great idea and promised to do an article on it!

With the ever increasing trend of marketing on the social media, a product of this type was inevitable. The question was timing. This has now come through and must say the site architecture, the designing, the connectivity and interaction with twitter and facebook is great. What I am talking about (as some of you might have guessed!) is

What is rankmeme?

It is a twitter based product ranking system that allows you to rank the product you like and help others make decisions. It tells you what the trends are and which product seems to be hitting the top ranks. It is currently in its initial stages but as for any start up I think it will take some time and gradually get more publicised. It also helps tell you in real time what the market suggests in terms of the product likeness. Higher the ranking, more likely it is that public like it as compared to the others on the list.

Twitter feature

The interesting part of the website is its interface with twitter. As soon as you rank a product and click on it, it takes you to a twitter login and tweets your product to all your followers. That's a multi marketing mechanism whereby the more you rank, the more it gets tweeted and more people see it.

Adding a product

What rankmeme also does is to allow companies to add their products on to it. If I want my product to be listed and want people to rank it on rankmeme then I can request through a user friendly form to add it. The service is absolutely free and helps me get an update of other people think of my product set.

It is also worth noting that its just not individual products but also categories such as Premier League, World Cup etc are included and through which you can tweet your favourite team and make sure it ranks on the top.

So logon to it once at least and make sure your views are listened to, before you buy anything see what the trends are, what people like the most and consider making your decisions based on real time data. Also dont forget to rank Chelsea as your Number 1 team in the premier league section ;).